
Terms of Reference of the Communications Committee
Terms of Reference of the Community Working Group
Terms of Reference of the Environment Committee
Terms of Reference of the Gardening Committee
Terms of reference of the Social Committee

Terms of Reference of the Communications Committee

1. The Committee will review the various methods of communications currently in place and discuss, study, and offer recommendations to the Board on initiatives and measures to ensure that the residents of Park Square are kept informed in a timely fashion of all matters of significance to them and for the benefit of Park Square. The committee is advisory in nature.
2. In the coming year, the Committee will focus its efforts on:
• The revision and maintenance of the Park Square website
• Review Guidelines on Communications at Park Square, with particular emphasis on the use of e-mail  and document distribution
• The publication of a newsletter
• Liaison with other committees for the purpose of publicizing their activities
•  Develop a strategy to communicate with owners on condominium projects, particularly projects with rapidly changing schedules
• Such other matters as requested by the Board from time to time
3. The Committee will consist of at least three and up to six qualified volunteers from Park Square and a member of the Board who shall serve as either Chair or Vice-Chair (as determined by the Committee) and shall be responsible for transmitting Committee reports and recommendations to the Board. Committee members will be appointed by the Board for 2-year terms, except for the Board liaison who will be appointed annually.
4. All members of the committee shall sign a Code of Ethics to guide their work on the committee.
5. The Committee shall meet at least 6 times a year but may meet more often if the Chair determines that additional meetings are required. The quorum for the committee is not less than half of the appointed members. The Committee may establish its method of operations, including the formation of sub-committees and working groups. However, all recommendations to the Board shall be considered by the committee as a whole.
6. The Committee will keep a record or minutes of their meetings.
7. The Committee shall submit all their recommendations for the Board’s consideration and approval and shall provide communication support to measures and initiatives as they are approved by the Board.

Approved by Board Motion on May 17, 2023

Terms of Reference of the Community Working Group

1. The Committee’s mandate is to monitor developments in our condominium community and immediate neighbourhood that will have an impact on the quality of life of residents at Park Square. The committee is advisory in nature.

2. In the coming year, the Committee will focus its efforts on the following:
Task 1- Monitor development projects within the immediate vicinity of Park Square i.e., Claridge, Tower C of the M and M project on 395 Slater Street, Reichmann Seniors Housing Development on 412 Sparks Street,  the Albert and Slater Improvement Project, discussions on Wellington Street and the proposed expansion of the Heritage Conservation district as well as the operations of the LRT at Lyon Station. The Committee will make recommendations to the Board on issues arising out of these projects.

Task 2 – Maintain a list of contacts, municipal offices, by-law enforcement and other information that individual residents can access and allow them to direct complaints and other observations on specific issues and or projects e.g., idling buses on Queen Street, parcel deliveries, snow clearing, parking, road and sidewalk conditions, noise disturbances, complaints about bikers and scooters. This list of contact will be posted in the Board’s Bulletin Board and will be updated whenever necessary.

Task 3 – Represent the Board at the Centertown Community Association and  the Inner City Steering Committee on Wellington Street  and report to the Board any developments of immediate interest to Park Square residents.

Task 4 –  Make representations to the Municipality and NCC on behalf of Park Square residents, with the Board’s approval.

3. The Committee will consist of 3-6 volunteers from Park Square and a member of the Board who shall serve as Chair or Vice Chair and shall be responsible for transmitting Committee reports and recommendations to the Board. Committee members will be appointed by the Board for 2-year terms, except for the Board liaison who will be appointed annually.

4. The Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year but may meet more often if the Chair determines that additional meetings are required. The quorum for the committee is not less than half of the appointed members. The Committee may establish its method of operations, including the formation of sub-committees and working groups. However, all recommendations to the Board shall be considered by the committee as a whole.

5. The Committee shall submit all their recommendations for the Board’s consideration and approval and shall provide support to measures and initiatives as they are approved by the Board.

Approved by a motion of the  Board on January 18, 2023

Terms of Reference of the Environment Committee

1. The Committee will discuss, investigate, study, and offer recommendations or options to the Board on a broad spectrum of environmental issues for the benefit of Park Square. The committee is advisory in nature.

2. In the coming year, the Committee will focus its efforts on:
• Separate collection of compostable waste in anticipation of it being a municipal requirement;
• Utilities, including electricity, natural gas and water and options to reduce their cost to the condominium and their environmental impact;
• Such other matters as directed by the Board from time to time.
3. The Committee will consist of up to 6 qualified volunteers from Park Square and a member of the Board who shall serve as either Chair or Vice-Chair (as determined by the Committee) and shall be responsible for transmitting Committee reports and recommendations to the Board. Committee members will be appointed by the Board for 2-year terms, except for the Board liaison who will be appointed annually.

4. All members of the committee shall sign a Code of Ethics to guide their work on the committee.

5. The Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year but may meet more often if the Chair determines that additional meetings are required. The quorum for the committee is not less than half of the appointed members. The Committee may establish its method of operations, including the formation of sub-committees and working groups. However, all recommendations to the Board shall be considered by the committee as a whole.

6. The Committee will keep a record or minutes of their meetings.

7. The Committee shall submit all their recommendations for the Board’s consideration and approval and shall provide support to measures and initiatives as they are approved by the Board.

Approved by Board the Board of Directors on April 7, 2021

Terms of Reference of the Gardening Committee

1. The Committee’s mandate is to maintain the building’s beautiful landscaping for all seasons. Working in close consultation with Living Green, the corporation’s landscape contractor, the Committee will assess the needs and requirements of the gardens and outline their landscaping plan within the limits of the corporation’s budget and submit their recommendations to the Board.
The Board has undertaken a major repair of five concrete planters in the podium in order to prevent several sources of water infiltration  caused by vegetative roots, membrane exposure to UV lights, blocked drains and the lack of tie-in between the SBS rubberized membrane and vertical components of the waterproofing membrane.
Bearing this in mind, the Gardening Committee shall  take this serious issue into consideration as they proceed with the following tasks:
Task 1- Work with our contractor, Living Green,  to oversee the planting of perennials in the planters with new membranes as per the new design plan approved by the Board in January 2023. This new design plan is totally different from what was on site in the past. It’s based on the naturalistic perennial planting methods employed by designers like Piet Oudolf and Noel Kingsbury.
Task 2- Supervise the repair of the inground bed on Albert Street when the Claridge construction is completed.
Task 3- Supervise the removal of  ginkgo trees in two  corner planters.
Task 4- Monitor the planters  on Queen Street and Albert Street and recommend appropriate follow-up action.
Task 5 – Perform such other tasks that may be requested by the Board from time to time.  This will include issuing appropriate notices about the gardens,  the inventory of plants and a photo record of what has been planted.
2. The Committee will consist of 3-5 resident volunteers and a member of the Board who shall serve as Chair or Vice Chair and shall be responsible for transmitting Committee reports and recommendations to the Board. Committee members will be appointed by the Board for 2-year terms, except for the Board liaison who will be appointed annually.
3. The Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year but may meet more often if the Chair determines that additional meetings are required. The quorum for the committee is not less than half of the appointed members.

Approved by a motion of the  Board on  April 19, 2023

Terms of Reference of the Social Committee

1. The Committee will discuss, study, and offer recommendations to the Board on a program of social activities with a view towards enhancing social interaction among the residents of Park Square. The committee is advisory in nature.
2. In the coming year, the Committee will focus its efforts on:
• Organizing and promoting regular in-person and virtual events such as First Friday lobby gatherings, Second Saturday breakfast club, the Park Square book club and other similar volunteer activities.
• Organize single occasion events including but not limited to New Owner/Resident Orientation, summer courtyard barbeque or similar events, holiday decorating in December, and lectures/presentations etc.
• Promote greater social interaction among residents by promoting and assisting with volunteer-run floor parties, progressive dinner and other social events
• Informing residents on a regular basis of downtown cultural events at major museums, galleries and other venues.
3. The Committee will consist of 3-5 volunteers from Park Square and a member of the Board who shall serve as Chair and shall be responsible for transmitting Committee reports and recommendations to the Board. Committee members will be appointed by the Board for 2-year terms, except for the Board liaison who will be appointed annually.
4. The Committee shall meet at least 3 times a year but may meet more often if the Chair determines that additional meetings are required. The quorum for the committee is not less than half of the appointed members. The Committee may establish its method of operations, including the formation of sub-committees and working groups. However, all recommendations to the Board shall be considered by the committee as a whole.
5. The Committee shall submit all their recommendations along with budgetary requests, if applicable, for the Board’s consideration and approval and shall provide support to measures and initiatives as they are approved by the Board.

Approved by a motion of the Board  on February 15, 2023

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